The untimely death of Russian anti-corruption activist and freedom-fighter Alexei Navalny, the quintessential defender of democracy in one of the most autocratic regimes on the planet, was, sadly, all too predictable. As American president Joe…
Pope Francis and the Same Sex “Blessing”: Hoist With His Own Petard
When the Catholic hierarchy selected Jorge Maria Bergoglio of Argentina as their new pope in 2013 many members of the faith, and many non-Catholic observers like this author, were optimistic that the Church would finally…
Genocide: South Africa’s Outrageous Claim Demeans the Term
There is no question that a humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Gaza. There is also no question that thousands of innocent Palestinians – men, women and children- have been killed during the current conflict. Clearly…
Reality Check: Canada’s Economy is Doing Much Better than Most Canadians Think
Contrary to popular opinion, Canada is NOT undergoing a catastrophic economic decline. On the contrary, compared to the economies of our G7 partners, and to our own previous periods of economic setback, (such as 1992…
The Two Faces of Francois Legault
Quebec’s premier is caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, he is increasingly worried about the rising fortunes of the separatist Parti Quebecois after that party’s decisive victory in a…
Immigration Policy and the “Citizen of Convenience” Conundrum
Canada has always been a nation of immigrants. Prime Minister John A. Macdonald’s National Policy relied on immigration, (along with the construction of a transcontinental railway and the imposition of tariffs with the US) to…
The Political Consensus is Collapsing and Make no Mistake: Canada is Not Immune
Many articles have been written lately about the imminent collapse of the world order, and with good reason. Many if not most of the institutions, rules and conventions established after the Second World War —…
The CBC, Journalistic “Balance” and the Definition of Terrorism:
How Media Practices Are Putting Liberal Democracies at Risk Amidst all the deluge of coverage of the Hamas-Israel War, it might have escaped the notice of some readers that a small furor has erupted over…
Hamas and the Moral Imperative
In an era of increasing threats to democracy and the world order, it has never been more essential to take a clear, principled and unequivocal stand against such threats. At the moment, this threat is…
Why Rota Had To Go
(or, Ministerial Accountability Part 2) A public relations catastrophe has unfolded internationally over House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota’s decision to ask Members of Parliament to recognize a constituent in the Gallery of the House,…